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WEB 2.0 for Educators


This is an ongoing list of Web 2.0 applications and their potential uses for educators.

An Educause Review article by Bryan Alexander (March 2006) provides a good overview of Web 2.0 applications and their potential for contributing to better teaching and learning.

There is a very comprehensive list of Web 2.0 Applications by Bob Stumpel et al via Sacred cow blog. (March 2006)



Applications are placed in the categories that represent their intended use.

All applications are web based unless indicated.

$ indicates that the application has to be purchased for use. The majority of Web 2.0 applications are free to use or have a limited or beta version that is free to use.

M indicates that the application has a mobile option – fully mobile options are listed in the mobile learning applications section.





20sixA UK based weblogging community. Provides facilities to blog, photoblog, etc. M


Blogger.comA blogger engine that is free, easy to use and the platform that most first time bloggers use. M


Edgeio New blogger tool that has just been released.


Movable Type Provides many features that other blogs might not provide. An application suited to commercial enterprises.

$ for professional versions – free personal blog


Word Press Straightforward, easy to use blogger tool

As blogs are almost mainstream, I have only included ones that are on my Web 2.0 list. For a more comprehensive list, check out:-http://www.asymptomatic.net/blogbreakdown.htm


Applications in education:-

provides a public forum for writing to be showcased.

Subject areas:-

any subject where journaling, writing etc skills need to be practiced/ honed Subjects where critical reflection needs to be recorded. Can also be used for group work, archiving and sharing group work.


Blogging tools


Diggdot.com Combines digg (technology based news website that allows contributions), Slashdot (website for technology news) and del.icio.us (favourites archiver).Basically a search tool for bloggers


superglu Allows a blogger to bring together their blog, flickr, archiver like del.icio.us

Applications in education:-

advanced tools for bringing together various Web 2.0 applications, allowing these applications to work in a more synergistic way.

Subject areas:-

any subject that requires advanced research skills to be developed.


Blog Searchers


blogpulseProvides tools like a trend search that tracks how this trend is being followed in the blogsphere.


daypop Searches news sites, weblogs and RSS feeds for current events and breaking news


feedster A search engine for blogs, can be set to RSS breaking news or to do searches on specific topics


pubsub Allows subscriptions to various topics. Found items then posted to your bloglines or similar.


rollyo A ‘roll your own’ search engine. Allows you to create your own search engine.


sphere New. A more efficient blog search engine.

technorati An established search engine for blogs. Straightforward to use. M


waypathWaypath is an attempt to network the weblog community, connecting weblogs that share common themes, ideas, and topics.


Applications in education:-

specific search tools for blogs, building up reading lists / reference archives

Subject areas:-

journalism, any of the social sciences / sciences including computing that need to keep up to date content that is continually evolving.


Collaborative task management / Knowledge sharing


bittorrentFree speech tool which allows large files to be shared.


brainjamsSharing practice in knowledge networking & ad hoc collaboration – facilitates F2F meetings and then provides platform to archive the outcomes of the meetings.


Kaboodle Free LAN management system


MagnoliaContent management system


protopage Allows a new browser start page to be produced along with links and sticky notes


rememberthemilk Provides facility to manage to-do lists on line – reminders posted via email, SMS or IM


writeboard Write, share, compare, revise sharable web based text documents


writely A collaborative word processing application


zimbra Community site for building high tech products. A collaboration suite.


Applications in education:-

group work, knowledge construction. Many of these could be used as enhanced WIKIs.

Subject areas:- myriad


Email – enhanced platforms


flurrymail Provides a service that allows a normal phone to check email. Multiple email accounts allowed but seems to be limited to USA phone carriers. M



gmail Googles answer to email. M


meebo Provides an integrated platform to IM (instant message)


Applications in education:-

cheap option to having Windows XP installed. Meebo useful with distance learning

Subject areas:-




(see also Multimedia sharing - aggregators & Personal Portals for other eportfolio possibilities)

boltfolio An online community page that allows upload of photos / videos to share & blog to your social network. Promoted as an online multimedia portfolio.


Applications in education:-

platform for collation, organising and sharing portfolio of learning

Subject areas:-

many but especially pertinent to subjects that require the collation of multimedia portfolios




Feed aggregators / RSS


bloglines Collates all blogs / websites as RSS feeds. A one stop shop to check out your favourite blogs /sites.


Del.icio.us Archives favourites for sharing with others and discover new sites via the del.icio.us community.


netvibes Provides you with a one page stop for all your RSS feeds


pubsub Provides a search and find capability so that you do not have to trawl through hundreds of sites.


Applications in education:-

research skills,

Subject areas:-

subjects that require advanced search skills or subjects that require continual interface with advancing technology.


Locational applications


skyhook Calculates the location or any WIFI devise by using known WIFI location points


See also the Mobile learning applications section below

Applications in education:-

field trips, workplacements, study tours

Subject areas:-

geography, field trips, workplacements, botany / horticulture, recreation



Mobile learning applications (includes *MoSoSos) all M


busythumbs Mobloggin & photosharing


cellpedia Search engine for mobile phones


crowdsurferBook, movie and music reviews for mobile phones

fotochatterAt the moment sharing of photos between mobiles


jambo peer to peer personal area matching technology designed to let people directly network face-to-face with WiFi using PDAs, laptops, cellphones


Kallisto composer Authoring tool for Java enabled mobile phones

kaywa blog using mobile phones

mamjamlocation based SMS that allows you to find friends

meetro Helps you find like minded people near you using mobile phones


Quickipedia Provides PDAs & smartphones running on Palm OS access to view Wikipedia. $$

phling Allows multimedia to be relayed through mobiles via P2P technology.


placesite Creates digital services with people located in the same place via WiFi


playtxt social networking on mobile


socialightshare location based pictures and notes with friends


TAPGADCheck email via SMS(USA only)

txtmob allows SMS to be quickly and easily shared with friends

winksiteA moblogging tool allowing websites to be set up that are accessible to mobile phones.


For more mobile social networking applications go to elastic spacefor a comprehensive list


Applications in education:-


Subject areas:-



Multi-Media sharing – audio


audacity Free audio editing tool that is cross platform – ie will work with .wav, .mp3


castpost A web based service that provides individuals with service for them to broadcast their own video & audio clips.


odeo Play, download and create podcasts


yackpack Web based voice messaging for groups that allows quick recordings to share with friends


Applications in education:-

group work using podcasts, dissemination of lecture / content. has mlearning potential.

Subject areas:- all


Multi-Media sharing – photos / video


castpost A web based service that provides individuals with service for them to broadcast their own video & audio clips.


clipshack A video version of flickr


dailymotionPublish, tag, organise and share video clips.


filmloopInstantly broadcast photos to desktop computers


flickr The original web based photo sharing site M


picaboo Create, share and print photo albums


riya Photo search – searches for people in your album, your friend’s album, the web etc. recognises people, text, events


slide Photo sharing and broadcasting application


vimeo Seach, organise and share video clips


vsocial A video community site to upload, watch and share video clips.


videoegg Easy capturing, editing and publishing of video clips


youtube video sharing


Applications in education:-

sharing images, archiving photos for eportfolios, reports on field trips, mlearning applications

Subject areas:- All


Multi-Media sharing – aggregators


allpeers P2P (peer to peer) software package for sharing photos, videos and podcasts


orb Streams live and recorded TV, photos, audio and video to web connected devises


ourmedia Free storage for videos, audio files, photos, text etc


Applications in education:-

provides tools for students working on collating media from different sources. Eportfolios.

Subject areas:-

media studies, art, broadcasting, design plus evidence gathering / portfolio production for many other subject areas.


Personal Portals


feedwebs bring together photo, video, blog & RSS feeds


Multiply A facility to bring together your photos, videos, blogs, links & RSS feeds on to one page. Able to bring in you flickr photos. M


pageflakes a very easy to use 'aggregator' that allows you to put in a choice of 110 flakes (includes photo sharing, video, to do list, address book, dictionary, weather, clock etc) & RSS feeds (a choice or your own). Versatile & recommended.


VOX provides ability to bring together your photos, videos, books, audio files and has a collection tool that makes this site a good one to look at for setting up eportfolios. M


Windows live Able to bring together your photos, blog, Xbox games live, mpe files etc. easy to use and visually attractive interface.


zimbio a community site for sharing common topics.


Applications in education:-

eportfolios, set up pages for social studies with updating RSS feeds, set up 'scenarios' / case studies for students to evaluate.

Subject areas:- any



Search Tools


flockbrowserAllows own homepage to be made so that you are able to store your favourite links under various categories

furlFinds and archives websites


opening.orgEvents tracking service


previewseekSearch engine based on artificial intelligence agent


stickis Allows a web page to be annotated with your own comments using 'post-it notes'


technorati An established search engine. Straightforward to use. M


truveo Searches for audio / video resources & also figures out if any metadata attached to the files

Applications in education:-

specialist search tools

Subject areas:-

tourism & travel, hospitality, events management


Site management


Drupal An open source content management platform

Geeklog Open source platform that can be used to host ‘story telling’ sessions, set up a news system or online community


MDpro An easy to use and feature rich GP based content management system $$


phpnuke Content management and portal solution featuring web-based administration, surveys,customizable blocks, modules and themes with multilanguage support

phpwebsite Open source system to allow complete development of interactive and community driven websites.

winksite A moblogging tool allowing websites to be set up that are accessible to mobile phones. M


XoopsA web content management system based on object oriented software

Applications in education:- provides possible hosting area for online courses

Subject areas:- any



Social Networking


dodgeball provides a platform for finding friends using SMS as the communication tool M


friendster online community that connects people of networks of friends with similar interests

ikarma provides tools to document and promote your reputation using ex-customers to submit references


myspaceA social networking site. Provides facilities to blog, share photos, videos / music videos, chat, set up forums etc. popular with high school students.M


ning builds social applications by forming tags with people who are part of the network

Applications in education:-

social networking, group work, alumni contacts, interaction with subject experts

Subject areas:-



Social / news aggregators


blogdex A weblog ‘diffusion index’ that allows various news, ideas, tags, menes to be tracked.


memeorandum Collates various ideas that are spreading around (mainly about politics) and puts them in one area for browsing.


Applications in education:- each social aggregator suitable for specialist area

Subject areas:- depends on aggregator


VOIP / Voice email


GizmoAllows your computer to be used as a free phone

skype Peer to peer voice service. Once skype installed on your computer, you can make free phone calls to anyone else with skype also installed on their computer.


waxmail Attaches voicemail messages using email editors like Outlook

Applications in education:-

distance learning – synchronous communications between tutors & students

Subject areas:- myriad


Wiki platforms


pbwikiEasy to use wiki


Socialtext Used to “foster trust, transparency and group memory”. Commercial software for companies to use to replace emails etc. $$

TwikiUsed by enterprises as a platform to collaborate on projects etc.$$


WetpaintA user friendly WYSIWYG platform for setting up WIKI pages


wikipedia The original online multilingual encyclopedia.


Wikispaces Provides tools for many people to built websites together


For a comprehensive list of Wikis and to evaluate various Wiki tools – try Wikimatrix

Applications in education:-

group projects, individual reports, constructive learning

Subject areas:-

myriad – more suited to levels 5 and above

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